Cat Breeds

Most Popular Cat Breeds – Everything You Need To Know

Types of Cat & Popular Cat Breeds Before we dive into the details of each cat breed, there are a few things you should know about cats in general.

Cats will typically sleep anywhere from 12 to 16 hours per day, and they spend most of their time grooming themselves. As solitary creatures, cats prefer to be alone with humans; however, they do enjoy interacting with other felines.

In fact, if you have two or more cats at home, don’t be surprised when they groom one another! When it comes to personality types, some might see them as aloof but that’s because like any animal in the wild they’re cautious around unfamiliar beings until trust is established.

And while not all breeds are vocal (some only meow), those who do tend to use their voice often to communicate with their human family members.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s shine a spotlight on 50 different cat breeds!

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Types of Cat & Popular Cat Breeds

Here is the List Of Popular Domestic Cat Breeds

Abyssinian Cat

The Abyssinian is a gorgeous cat breed known for its spotted coat, which is also referred to as rosettes. The Abyssinian’s body structure and behavior are very similar to that of the Siamese, perhaps because they share the same parentage. In fact, many believe that the breed was created by breeding African wild cats with Siamese cats, as it resembles a wild cat with its unusually long legs and slender body.

Despite the Abyssinian’s similarities to the Siamese, this breed is considerably more energetic and athletic. If you’re looking for a cat who’s up for some lighthearted fun, then the Abyssinian might be an excellent choice.

Learn More About: Abyssinian Cats

American Bobtail Cat

Though it was once thought that the American bobtail breed was an offshoot of a type of wild cat called the Manx, it is now believed that this lovable feline has been around for many centuries. In fact, it is rumored to have its origins in Asian cats who were bred by Buddhist monks as companions!

American Bobtails are known for their adorable, bobbed tail and thick, plush fur. They are extremely friendly cats who love to play all day long. While they make excellent “pets,” Bobtails do take a lot of time to groom themselves — so if you’re looking for a busy cat that you can brush regularly, then perhaps this isn’t the best choice for you.

Learn More About American Bobtail Cats

American Curl Cat

By breeding cats with tightly curled ears, the American curl breed was born. This breed is known for its extremely curly ears and soft fur. Additionally, they are extremely friendly felines who enjoy being around people and other animals. Some say that domestic cats with naturally curled ears are better at hunting than their straight-eared counterparts — but of course this isn’t true! The American curl’s ear shape has nothing to do with its ability to hunt; it is simply a genetic trait unique to this cat breed.

Learn More About American Curl Cats

American Shorthair Cat

If you’re looking for a cat breed that you can easily find just about anywhere, then the American shorthair is probably your best bet. This breed’s long coat and even temperament makes it an excellent house cat — perfect for those who don’t know much about feline breeds. They are incredibly affectionate and love to be around people; they also get along swimmingly with other cats. In short, the American shorthair is the perfect cat for just about everyone! Learn more about this pleasant-tempered feline here.

Learn More About American Shorthair Cats

American Wirehair Cat

The longhaired counterpart to the American shorthair, the American wirehair breed is known for its unique coat. The undercoat of a wirehair cat is made up of soft downy fur while the outer guard hairs are very coarse — making this feline look as though it has electric-like fur! If you’ve always wanted a strange cat with some serious personality, then perhaps this one’s for you. The wirehaired kitty was once considered an artisanal breed, but it is now recognized by most major associations.

Learn More About American Wirehair Cats

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Australian Mist Cat

The Australian mist has its roots in Australia (as you might have guessed) but it wasn’t until recently that the breed was accepted as a championship cat. This breed was bred by crossing American, Siamese, and Burmese cats to create one stunning friend. Known for its silver-colored coat, the Australian mist is particularly notable for its blue eyes — which are almost never seen in other breeds of the species. These felines are known for their playful attitudes and loveable personalities; they’re also said to be quite intelligent.

Learn More About Australian Mist Cats

Balinese Cat

The Balinese is a breed of cat that has been around for quite some time. In fact, the Balinese was discovered by accident when a Siamese cat gave birth to a kitten with darker coloring than her own! Eventually it was discovered that this dark-colored kitten was another breed entirely — and one which had its roots in India. The beautiful Balinese is known for its brown coat and unique appetite: these cats eat more as they get older, suggesting that their metabolism slows down as they mature.

Learn More About Balinese Cats

Bombay Cat

The first of two breeds on our list whose name have something to do with its coloration (the second being the Siamese), the Bombay is known for its silky, black coat. Despite its blackness, the Bombay is quite playful and friendly — making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a low-maintenance cat (although this applies to all breeds on our list). Additionally, if you’re a fan of short-haired felines, then the Bombay might be right up your alley. For more information on these midnight beauty’s, click here.

Learn More About Bombay Cats

British Shorthair Cat

The British shorthair has its origins in Great Britain where it was considered an artisanal breed until recently. This large breed can come in almost any color under the sun; however, breeders usually stick with traditional colors such as brown and white. In terms of personality, the British shorthair is said to be a tad more playful than other breeds — making it the perfect fit for an active household. If you’re looking for a larger breed (than the average), then perhaps this one’s for you! Learn more about these playful felines here.

Learn More About British Shorthair Cats

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Bengal Cat

We continue our list with a breed that’s quite unique to others on this list. Known for its brown and black coat, the Bengal is one of only four “natural” breeds in North America — meaning that they were bred without human intervention. These felines are known for their large-sized spots which cover most of their body; as a result, this breed looks quite wild. If you’re looking for a cat that’s not only good with kids but is also relatively easy to care for, then the Bengal might make a great choice! To learn more about these spotted felines, click here.

Learn More About Bengal Cats

Birman Cat

The Birman is one of two breeds on our list that originated in multiple countries (the other being the Balinese). In this case, both Thailand and Burma can claim to be its place of origin. The Birman is known for its blue eyes and silver-white fur; additionally, because it comes from two different areas of the world it has had several names — including “Sacred Cat of Burma” and “Royal Cat of Siam.” Due to the size and coloration of this breed, it has been crossed with many different breeds. You can learn more about these cats here.

Learn More About Birman Cats

Burmese Cat

This breed of cat’s name is one which might deceive you. Known for its gorgeous (and unusual) orange hair, the Burmese can be found mostly in Great Britain — although it was bred there by accident when a Siamese kitten mated with a pet Persian! Of course, these felines also come in many other colors; for an example, look no further than the American Burmese, which has a black coat. On top of its unusual fur coloration, the Burmese is also known for its blue eyes — making it one of only two breeds on our list whose eyes don’t match its fur (the other being the Egyptian Mau). Learn more about this beauty here.

Learn More About Burmese Cats

Burmilla Cat

The Burmilla contains a variety of breeds including the Chartreux, Birman and Chinchilla (of which all four are on our list!). This breed is known for its long fur and large-sized spots that cover most of its body. While its origins aren’t official, most experts believe it was bred in Great Britain by Bengal and Siamese breeders. It’s because of this that the Burmilla can come in any color under the sun (except solid white); interestingly enough, this also makes it one of only two breeds on our list whose coats don’t match its eye colors! Learn more about these spotted beauties here.

Learn More About Burmilla Cats

Chartreux Cat

The Chartreux is one of the four “natural” breeds in North America — meaning that they were bred without human intervention. These felines are known for their large-sized spots which cover most of their body; as a result, this breed looks quite wild. If you’re looking for a cat that’s not only good with kids but is also relatively easy to care for, then the Chartreux might make a great choice! To learn more about these spotted felines, click here.

Learn More About Chartreux Cats

Chausie Cat

This breed takes its name from the word “jaguar” in Spanish. This is because, like the jaguar, this breed holds a spot on our list for being one of only two breeds with fur that does not match its eye colors! The Chausie’s coat can come in any color — except for solid black or white. There are also four breeds of cat on our list that shares this trait (the other three being the Burmese, Burmilla and Chartreux). This breed is originally from Great Britain and is known for its incredible size and long fur. To learn more about these spotted felines, click here.

Learn More About Chausie Cats

Cornish Rex Cat

The Cornish Rex is a breed of cat known for its wavy, fine hair and large ears. They originated in Cornwall and are the only natural breed to originate in the United States. These felines are often called “Toyger” cats because they resemble the wild “Tiger Cat”. The Cornish Rex was created by a spontaneous mutation and has a genetic link to the Devon Rex, although it does not have curly hair like the Devon Rex.

If you’re looking for a cat that’s not only beautiful, but also amazing with kids then this breed might be the one for you! Learn more about this breed here.

Learn More About Cornish Rex Cats

Cymric Cat

The Cymric cat breed has some of the most beautiful coat colors in existence and is named such as it is a combination of two more well-known breeds: the Siamese and Balinese. The Cymric takes its name from one word in Welsh meaning “amphibians” or “ascent”. The Cymric is a natural breed that originated in North America during the late 1960s due to a spontaneous mutation in a litter of kittens. Originally, the color point pattern on these felines was thought to be due to an incomplete dominant gene, but recent research suggests that point coloration is caused by at least one locus with recessive alleles independent of the Siamese.

If you’re looking for a cat that’s sweet, beautiful, and playful then this breed is one to investigate. Learn more about the Cymric here.

Learn More About Cymric Cats

Devon Rex Cat

The Devon Rex was originally bred in England during the 1950s due to a spontaneous genetic mutation that occurred in a litter of otherwise purebred, straight-haired black Devon cats. The first Devon Rex was born on April 1, 1950. It is one of only three breeds of cat that takes its name from the location where it originated (the other two being the Cornish and American Curl). The Devon Rex is easily distinguishable by its curly hair, large ears, and slender frame which resembles that of a rabbit. To read more about this breed, click here.

Learn More About Devon Rex Cats

Egyptian Mau Cat

The Egyptian Mau has one of the oldest documented pedigrees in existence and is known for its beautiful markings. They originated in Egypt thousands of years ago.

If you’re looking for a breed that’s incredibly independent, then the Egyptian Mau is one to consider. These cats are named after the country of their origin and can come in any solid color or pattern. The Egyptian Mau received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987. Learn more about this breed here

Learn More About Egyptian Mau Cats

Exotic Shorthair Cat

This breed hails from Australia and is known for its short, fine hair and large eyes. The Exotic Shorthair is a hybrid cat breed that is best described as an Australian Domestic Shorthair crossed with an American Shorthair. These felines have a very even temperament which makes them perfect for both indoor and outdoor living. Their short coat means they are fairly low maintenance. To learn more about these beautiful felines, click here

Learn More About Exotic Shorthair Cats

Havana Cat

This breed is one of the most popular shorthair breeds. They have a distinctive, thick coat that is designed to handle all sorts of adverse weather conditions. The Havana Cat Breed is fiercely loyal and has a very even temperament which makes them perfect for both indoor and outdoor living. These felines are also quite intelligent and can make good pets for children.

Learn more about this breed here.

Himalayan Cat

The Himalayan cat breed is one of the oldest documented pedigrees in existence. These cats originated in the Himalayan region and are known for their beautiful markings. The name “Himalayan” is derived from the country of origin and can come in any color or pattern. The Himalayan Cat received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

Learn more about this breed here.

Japanese Bobtail Cat

This rare breed was originally bred in Japan to be used for catching rats, mice, and snakes. Unlike most other breeds, it has no tail; instead, it has an extra tuft of fur at the end of its spine that gives it a bob bed appearance. The Japanese Bobtail is an intelligent breed with a gentle disposition that makes it great for families and children. These felines are also incredibly energetic, so they need lots of time to play. Learn more about them here.

Learn More About Japanese Bobtail Cats

Javanese Cat

The Javanese are an ancient cat breed that originated in Java. These felines have a soft, long coat that is designed to handle adverse weather conditions. The Javanese Cat Breed has an even temperament and can easily make good pets for children. Learn more about them here.

Javanese cats originated in Java, Indonesia and are known for their even temperaments. They take their name from the island on which they were bred and can come in any solid color or pattern. The Javanese Cat received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

Learn More About Javanese Cats

Khao Mane Cat

The Khao Manee Cat Breed is one of the oldest documented pedigrees in existence. These felines originated in Thailand and are known for their beautiful markings. The name “Khao Manee” is derived from the country of origin and can come in any solid color or pattern. They received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

This breed of cat has the longest fur and is one of the largest domestic cats. They have a striking appearance, with coloration like their wild cousins – tigers! These guys are very vocal, so if you’re looking for some serious cuddles then this may not be your best choice in feline friends.

Learn more about this breed here.

La Perm Cat

The La Perm Cat Breed is one of the oldest documented pedigrees in existence. These felines originated in California and are known for their beautiful markings. The name “La Perm” is derived from the country of origin and can come in any solid color or pattern. These cats received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

This breed of cat has a long, wavy coat that makes it look like a lion! These guys are very vocal, so if you’re looking for some serious cuddles then this may not be your best choice in feline friends. To learn more about these ancient felines, click here.

Learn more about this breed here.

Lykoi Cat

The Lykoi Cat Breed is a rare breed of cat that originated in Louisiana. These felines have a unique appearance that sets them apart from others. This was a deliberate design, as the cats’ ancestors are known for their extraordinary fur patterns and markings. The Lykoi Cat received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

This feline has the second-longest hair – but don’t let that fool you! The long fur on this breed of cat is naturally designed to protect them from cold climates, so they’re perfect for any winter climate. They are also one of the cutest breeds of cat. Learn more about them here.

Learn more about these rare felines here.

Maine Coon Cat

The Maine Coon Cat Breed originated in America. They are one of the largest domestic breeds and are very intelligent. The Maine Coon Cat received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

These big cats have a gentle disposition that makes them a great pet for any family with kids. They also enjoy playing, so they will need plenty of time to frolic around! To learn more about these big cats, click here.

Learn More About Maine Coon Cats

Mekong Bobtail Cat

The Mekong Bobtail is one of the oldest documented pedigrees in existence. These felines originated in Thailand and are known for their beautiful markings. The name “Mekong Bobtail” is derived from the country of origin and can come in any solid color or pattern. They received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

This breed of cat has a long, silky coat that looks like an ocelot! These guys are very vocal, so if you’re looking for some serious cuddles then this may not be your best choice in feline friends. To learn more about these amazing felines, click here.

Learn more about this breed here.

Munchkin Cat

The Munchkin Cats are one of the oldest documented pedigrees in existence. These felines originated from Louisiana and are known for their peculiar appearance. The name “Munchkin” is derived from their short legs, which resembles a rabbit! They received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

These cats have a gentle disposition that makes them a great pet for any family with kids. They also enjoy playing, so they will need plenty of time to frolic around! To learn more about these felines, click here.

Learn more about Munchkin Cats here.

Manx Cat

The Manx Cat is a breed that has the distinction of being tailless. Many people believe it originated from an Isle of Man on a shipwreck, while others believe it’s due to a natural mutation. They received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

These cats don’t have a tail for balance so they can appear to be clumsy at first; however, they learn to jump and climb quickly because their “tail” doesn’t work like other cats. These felines are also one of the best breeds for apartment living, because they’re small yet very playful! To learn more about these tailless felines, click here.

Learn more about Manx Cats here.

Nebelung Cat

The Nebelung Cat Breed was developed in the 1970’s after someone in California realized a male black American Shorthair and a tortoiseshell female British Shorthair, both short-haired felines, had bred to produce kittens that had fur nearly if a longhaired cat. To this day, this cat breed is still known for its unusually long hair. They received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

These cats are known for being very timid but tend to bond with one person above all others. They’re very quiet cats, so they’re best pets for those who don’t spend a lot of time at home. To learn more about these long-haired felines, click here.

Learn More About Nebelung Cats Here.

Norwegian Forest Cat

If you’re looking for a cat breed that’s not afraid of water, then Norwegian Forest Cats are the perfect match! These felines are descended from Scandinavian farm cats and are known for their ability to hunt birds in wet areas. They received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

This breed is very high energy and very athletic. It’s great for people who like to play fetch or take long walks with their pet! To learn more about these top-notch felines, click here.

Learn more about Norwegian Forest Cats here.

Ocicat Cat

The Ocicat is a breed that originated in the 1960s when an American Shorthair had an encounter with a wild Abyssinian cat. The Ocicat is classified as a Siamese cat but has a different appearance. They received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

These felines are known to be very intelligent, which make them great for homes with children. They’re also curious and love to explore new things! To learn more about these interesting felines, click here.

Learn more about Ocicats here.

Oriental Shorthair Cat

The Oriental Shorthair is a breed originating from the Siamese. Unlike the Siamese, Orientals are less outgoing and more relaxed. They received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

Orientals love human attention but want to be left alone when they’re ready to sleep or eat. This is what makes them great for those who work long hours! To learn more about these cats, click here.

Learn more about Oriental Shorthairs here.

Persian Cat

The Persian Cat is one of the most popular breeds of cat. They’re known for their thick, long hair that they usually enjoy curling up in. Their beautifully long hair is often mistaken as them being lazy; however, they’re actually a very active breed! These cats can come with a variety of color patterns including white, black, brown, and gray. However, this breed does struggle with health issues that can affect the eyes and ears if not properly cared for. To learn more about these felines, click here.

Learn more about Persian Cats here.

Pixie-Bob Cat

The Pixie-Bob Cat Breed is one of the oldest cat breeds known to man. These felines were originally bred in the 1950’s after a couple noticed one cat was born with short hair and another had longer hair. This realization led them to create a breeding program for these now-popular felines! They received recognition from the Cat Fanciers Association in North America as early as 1966 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1987.

These cats are known for being very loud to those who aren’t used to them, but they’re very gentle and affectionate. They have an innate agility that makes them quite fond of jumping! To learn more about these special felines, click here.

Learn More About Pixie-Bob Cats

Ragamuffin Cat

Ragamuffins are cats who are a mix of two other breeds. These felines have a sweet, loving disposition without the high energy of most cats. They’re also one of the best breeds for those with allergies because they don’t shed as much as other cat breeds and are hypoallergenic. To learn more about these gentle felines, click here.

Learn More About Ragamuffin Cats

Russian Blue Cat

The Russian Blue Cat is a breed that has been known for their blue fur and their intelligence. Many people believe these felines got their start from Vlad III Dracula’s court. However, these cats originated in England because of a group of Russian sailors who were stranded on a ship near Liverpool during a storm during the late 1800s. They were later sold to a cat breeder in Birkenhead, who then began breeding them with British Shorthairs. The descendants of these cats are now known as Russian Blue Cats! Today, they’re one of the most popular breeds among cat owners because of their social and loving nature. To learn more about these beautiful felines, click here.

Learn more About Russian Blue Cats

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Ragdoll Cat

Ragdolls are a unique breed of cat. They’re known for their docile nature and their ability to go limp when picked up to not scratch or bite. There’s even a condition known as ‘Ragdoll Cat Syndrome’ that causes them to be so friendly they’ll seek out affection from any human who will give it. However, there are also some health defects that you should be aware of before getting a Ragdoll Cat. They’re known to have very low body fat, meaning they can’t survive extreme temperatures for long periods of time. They also may suffer from polycystic kidney disease as they age and are even more prone to feline infectious peritonitis compared to other cat breeds. If you’re interested in a Ragdoll Cat, click here.

Learn more about Ragdoll Cats here.

Scottish Fold Cat

The Scottish Folds are a breed of cat that has folded ears. They originated from Scotland sometime around the 1950s when they had a genetic mutation that cause their ears to fold. From there, they began breeding with British Shorthairs to create the Scottish Fold we know today.

Learn More About Scottish Fold Cats here.

Selkirk Rex Siamese Cat

The Selkirk Rex Siamese is a breed of cat that originated in the state of Montana. They’re like traditional Siamese cats, but they have curly fur rather than the normal straight-hair gene. This gene has also appeared among other breeds including Peruvians, Bengals and even one Cornish Rex. To learn more about these unique felines, click here.

Learn More About Selkirk Rex Siamese Cats

Singapura Cat

Singapuras originated in Singapore during the 1960s. They were bred from several different breeds including Burmese, Abyssinians, and Balinese cats to create a new breed of cat that was both exotic in looks and had a very friendly disposition.

Learn more about Singapura Cats here. Siamese

Siberian Cat

Siberians are a breed of cat that have been known for many things. They’re often mislabeled as ‘longhaired Persians’, though they’re not related to Persian Cats at all. Siberians are one of the largest cat breeds and were a favorite in the 1950s and 60s because of their long, thick fur.

Learn more about Siberian Cats here.

Tonkinese Cat

Tonkinese cats originated during the 1970’s when Siamese and Burmese cats began interbreeding. This was done to create a breed of cat that had the same thick coat of a Burmese but had a lighter build like Siamese cats. Learn more about this unique breed of cat here.

Learn More About Tonkinese Cats here.

Turkish Angora Cat

Turkish Angoras are a breed of cat that originated in Turkey during the 15th century. They’re known for not being aggressive towards other cats and are also very friendly with people, especially those who raise them from birth. Breeders often give them as gifts to others when they want to share their love of cats with others. Learn more about these beautiful felines, click here.

Learn More About Turkish Angora Cats

Turkish Van Cat

Turkish Vans are an ancient breed dating back to 7500 BC in Turkey. They were bred from the natural semi-longhaired cats that inhabited the area of Turkey around this time. Their name comes from the Turkish Van Lake where they can be found today.

Learn more about Turkish Vans here.

Snowshoe Cat

The Snowshoes are a unique breed of cat. They were created in the early 1980s by crossing American Shorthairs and Siberian cats. The result was a cat that had thick, fluffy fur and could survive long cold winters.

However, they’re not as popular in the United States and most are still found in Canada.

Learn More About Snowshoe Cats Here

Somali Cat

Somali Cats are the offspring of an African wildcat and domestic cats that were brought to the United States. They’re known to have very thick coats, which makes them ideal for colder climates. However, their thick coat does come at a price: they need more grooming than other cat breeds.

Learn More About Somali Cats here.

Sphynx Cat

Sphynx cats originated when genetic mutations caused hairless kittens to be born during the 1960s. These kittens were then bred with each other to create the Sphynx we know today. They are known for being easy to groom but require a little more care than other cats do.

Learn more about Sphynx Cats here.


We all have that one friend who loves cats. They’re a staple in our lives and we see them everywhere: on the internet, TV shows, movies and even as memes online. But do you know what breed of cat your friend may be looking for? There are over 50 different breeds of cat to choose from! In this article, we explored some of the most popular breeds including Scottish Fold Cats, Singapuras, and Selkirk Rex Siamese just to name a few. If you want to learn more about Cat Breeds before adopting or buying one yourself then click here now.  We also included some tips on how to take care of these unique felines so they can live their best life possible with their new family!


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